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Archive for the ‘Geography’ Category

Taken from thesundaytimes May 9, 2010

Chinese Tourists

=> loud & demanding, speak little English & like items which scream “expensive” all over

=>Singapore’s top tourist spenders

=> tend to be very loud, more demanding, and can sometimes be very rude

=> want to see everything and make their picks from there

=> go for less expensive products such as polo shirts but buy in bulk- 10 to 20 pieces at a go

=> the “bling-er” the better: “Chinese tourists usually go for designs that have lots of diamonds, or the piece must have its brand prominently displayed so that others can immediately tell it’s expensive.”

Indonesian Tourists

=> soft-spoken and easier to communicate with as they speak English

=> more fashionable (often requests for exclusive or limited-edition designs)

=> “Indonesians come in the knowing what they want”

=> the big-ticket spenders, buying suits, shirts and jeans

=> spent $2.1 billion in Singapore last year, $702 million more than tourists from China

=> Interested in the latest designs and are more tasteful

* From here, it can be noted there are different consumption patterns between countries. By observing and understanding these patterns, Singapore will be better able to cater to the different groups of taste and preference and continue to boost Singapore’s tourism industry! This is crucial for economic growth in Singapore ^^

This article was taken off The Straits Times, May 1 2010.

As reported in this article, previously, whinnings by Singaporeans about Singapore was a common sight be it in blogs or via other forms of media. However, from the latest lifestyle survey conducted on 4000 people, by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA), out on April 30 showed otherwise. Singaporeans and foreigners alike were growing a stronger sense of belonging for Singapore. These levels of satisfaction are indicators that efforts of grooming Singaapore are paying off (real effects at ground level).

>80% –> Singaporeans & PRs agreed that Singapore is a great place in which to live, work and play

  •                This is 10% up on satisfaction levels in a 2006 survey

National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan said: close to 90% of respondents said Singapore was their home and where they belonged, up 20% points from 2006 survey.

The survey data will be used for the ongoing Concept Plan 2011 review, which maps out Singapore’s long-term land use strategies and directions.

* This is one of the many job prospects that a geography graduate can do upon graduation; contributing back to society, a civil servant ^^ “YAY!!!” It also shows the importance of Georg grads!

 URA is planning to formulate a 5 year plan to work with stakeholders to develop the Singapore River precinct.

Mr Mah identified 3″Ps

 Planning for land use

-Fear of rapid changing physical landscapes and the lack of action to conserve them –>Many considerations need to be thought through thoroughly before making a decision for it can have direct and major impacts on Singapore’s society

-URA chairman Alan Chan said ” In our planning function, we ensure that Singapore’s physical development is able to support our population and economic growth in a sustainable manner.” 



* DP Architects director Tai Lee Siang added ” The key to creating a soul is ownership. Singaporeans must feel a that they can ‘own’ the urban spaces in Singapore.”


Most important to Singaporeans         What Singaporeans want more of

Public transport- 70%                                Night-life events-60%

Food & drink establishment- 62%         Events and festivals-58%

Health-care facilities-55%                         Health-care facilities-56%

Parks, beaches, etc- 47%                          Consulted on urban matters-55%

Schools, universities, etc-32%              Vibrant street & public life- 55%

* Overall, this article shows that Singaporeans are begginning to nuture a sense of beloinging for Singapore after almost 45 years since independence. I agree that the main “ingredient” to feeling proud of ones own country is the ability of a country to show off  its uniqueness and its one-of-a-kind flavour to its people, so as to stand out from the crowd (other countries) making a country different and irreplaceable. Nurturing a sense of belonging is important, because upon feeling satisfied with the growth of Singapore, Singaporeans may become more willing to contribute back to Singapore instead of constantly speaking ill of Singapore and dragging their feet in almost everything that they do. Thus, improvement in Singapore’s infrastructure is important in ensuring loyalty, growth and advancement of  Singapore. This is of course not forgetting to take into acount the need to preserve some of Singapore’s historic infrastructures, for they are the most crucial ones which makes Singapore, Singapore in the eyes of  Singaporeans and in fact everyone else out there! ^^

* The stats above also shows a high dependency rate on public transport, and Singaporeans are also becoming increasingly concerned about their health. The desire to be consulted upon to make a decision also shows that Singaporeans want to be responsible for Singapore’s growth, further increasing the proof that we are nuturing a sense of belonging for our tiny island we call home!! XD

  • None
  • Mr. Pereira: can have more involvement here, talk about things like fairness, income distribution, how much of it is inevitable or how much of it can be controlled
  • Mr. Pereira: state why it is important. hey, not everyone is CHinese, so by what you say, then what happens if Malay wants to learn Chinese? they are not allowed t
  • Mr. Pereira: Er but aren't all these just reinforcing stereotypes? Maybe better to ponder on their consumption patterns. In essays, its not a good idea to talk abo

